Monday, December 6, 2010

Response for 12/7

I think this reading neatly summarized many of the ideas in this course. After reading Enloe’s chapters  and reflecting back on the topics discussed in class, I realized that women related issues can be found everywhere. The items we have discussed in this class are merely the tip of the iceberg; as evidenced by people’s newsflashes, a wide array of feminist problems are emerging daily.  I think it is a very good idea to always question one’s environment. As the saying goes, “Why are things the way they are and not otherwise?” We have already discussed that patriarchy is a sneaky system that infiltrates our lives in ways that we don’t even consciously realize. By turning daily happenings into conscious decisions changes can be brought about. This is not to say that one should be constantly paranoid about social norms, but a small level of skepticism seems appropriate. Subsequently unexpected positive changes may occur. I think this is one of the main ideas I will take away from this class. 

1 comment:

  1. I thought that it was a good connection for Carolyn to make between this reading and our newsflashes. As I was reading Enloe's chapters, I just kept thinking how broadly we could apply the points that she was bringing up about not questioning different parts of our life. I also liked how Carolyn brought up the concept of patriarchy, which I think was a key concept in Enloe's chapters. When we were discussing patriarchy we brought up the point that it was not just men that enforced it, but women as well, and I think that what Enloe is saying here, really emphasizes that point as well. We cannot just sit back and expect change to our systems to happen, we need to be curious and actively seek what those changes that we want are.
